As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. — 1 Peter 4:10

Parish Councils

Parish Advisory Council
Dan Martinez, Ursula Johnston, Dan Farkas, Gary Davis, Meghan McCarthy, Marc Sierra, Jill Hawbaker, Sharon Rogers, and Ted Tessier

Parish Finance Council
Joe Wallace, Melissa Fraser, Larry Becker, Marilyn Felix, Frank Slate, Nathan Krick, Barb Gomez, Dave Hocevar, and Dee Marsh

Parish Ministries

Altar Servers – Youth
Becoming an alter server is an opportunity for the parish youth to assist the Priest and Deacon who preside at Mass. Altar Servers must be at least in fourth grade and have received 1st Communion and Confirmation.
St. Juan Diego: Robert Benda 720.891.0808
St. Mary English: Fr. Miguel 480.963.3207
St. Mary Spanish: Fr. Edgardo 480.963.3207

Daughters of Mary
A service ministry that coordinates cleaning of the church linens, the annual Daughters of Mary Breakfast and the Adoration schedule at St. Mary’s as well as the Gift Shops.
Cherise 480.963.3207 x131

Art & Environment
Decorate the church (mostly during weekdays) according to the seasons, holy days and feasts of the liturgical calendar, especially during Christmas and Easter.
St. Mary: Sisters Eucharistic Communicators of the Celestial Father (Hnas. CEPC) 480.963.3207
St. Juan Diego: Joanne Stolze 480.963.3207

Boy Scouts
Christina Campbell 602.577.9175

Couples for Christ
Francis Cruz 480.213.6652

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Practicing Catholics in good standing with the Catholic Church may participate in Liturgical Ministries.
St. Juan Diego English: Pam Benda 480.404.5243
St. Mary & St. Juan Diego Español: Carolina Uribe 480.963.3207 x105
St. Mary English: Gail Fox 480.251.2696

Lector Ministry
Proclaim the Word of the Lord at Mass.
St. Mary’s: Mike McNulty 480.963.3207
St. Juan Diego: Marty Reilly 480.734.2187

Greeters For Mass
Welcome all to the Lord’s house before Mass.
St. Mary English: Leader needed 480.963.3207
St. Mary Español: Javier León 602.214.4059

Grief & Bereavement
The Grief & Bereavement ministry assists those who have suffered a loss through death. This ministry walks the journey with the bereaved by assisting the family with the funeral planning and at the funeral Mass. The Grief & Bereavement ministers offer support groups, memorial Mass and follow-up.
St. Mary: Leonor Montemayor 480.415.3734
St. Juan Diego: Sandy Davaz 602.697.7862

Health & Wellness Ministry
This ministry is a health resource for parishioners. We coordinate learning sessions to help you find answers to your health-related questions and to point you in the right direction to obtain care.
Warren Pitman 480.431.2945

Knights of Columbus
The Knights host numerous functions to support the Church, country, community an Parish.
Fr. Patterson Council #3121
Grand Knight Troy Revelette 602.738.1235
Fr. Louis Anthony Sigman Council #16277
Grand Knight Don Cipicchio 480.326.8912

Legion of Mary-Mary Queen of Families Praesidium – St. Mary
The Legion of Mary is a world-wide association of Catholic men and women who offer their services to their pastor to aid him in performing apostolic works in the parish.
Xavier Gonzalez 602.448.3169

Legion of Mary-Mary Queen of Families Praesidium – St. Juan Diego
Maria Payne 760.344.1018

Martha & Mary Women’s Outreach
St. Mary’s: 480.963.3207

“Mending Hearts” Parish Bereavement Support Group
Carole Hocevar 480.294.4355

St. Mary’s: 
Sam Rayes 480.963.3207 x104
St. Juan Diego: George Rayes 480.963.3207 x147

Our Lady of Peñafrancia
Devotions to Our Lady of Peñafrancia – weekly Mass, Christmas Novena & Feast Day Novena and Mass.
Rose Cavagnaro 602.850.1478

Perpetual Adoration – St. Mary
Please consider spending an hour per week with Our Lord in St. Mary’s Adoration Chapel.
Lamparas Encendidas 480.714.3080

Pew Ministry – St. Juan Diego
Rosalie Inocencio 480.883.8339

Respect Life
The Respect Life Ministry is dedicated to the protection of all life from birth through natural death. It is an active ministry that promotes and supports all Pro-Life activities.
St. Mary: Charlotte Revelette 602.300.4303
St. Juan Diego: 
Connie Rosinski 480.760.5630

Help4Her (Crisis Pregnancy Help)
A ministry that connects pregnant women in crisis to a nearby Pregnancy Help Center.

Silent Strength Prayer Group
Silent Strength prayer group meets to pray for loved ones who’ve fallen away from their faith every Saturday from 9:30-10:30 AM in St. Juan Diego Bernardino Room (enter from west door). 
Deborah Burgesser 480.318.5860

Singles Bible Study
Marty Reilly 480.399.1942

St. Vincent de Paul
Provides emergency food and other assistance to those who cannot help themselves. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-11:30 AM.
Kathy Brown 480.814.7778

That Man is You Men’s Group
A band brothers of all ages from both churches in our parish. The men’s group meets weekly to watch inspiring videos from the best Catholic men’s speakers and then apply the lessons to their own lives in small group sessions where they share their own struggles and pray for each other. All men are welcome to meet meet on Saturdays, 6:30AM-8AM at St. Mary’s.
Dcn. Dr. Joe Ryan 480.203.4012

Usher Ministry
St. Mary’s: Louis Marquez  480.370.6722
St. Juan Diego:  Don Cipicchio    480.326.8912

Walking with Moms in Need
Meghan McCarthy 1.928.351.1288

“Women in God’s Service” (WINGS) Ministry @ St. Juan Diego
Cindy Barone  716.440.1852